Animation – Story Research and Development

Animated shorts I looked at – Lava The Blue Umbrella The Present Paperman Lava – Lava is a musical piece, about a lonely volcano who sings every day, in the hope of finding love, he does this for years, and eventually, a female volcano from under the sea hears the singing, and wants to join in, […]

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Lesson 51 – Sound Design – Understanding how Sound is used in Films and Producing our own Tracks

In sound design, we looked at elements of sound that we would need to take into consideration for our animations, we looked at mixing, tempo, pitch and sound effects such as reverb and echo along with analysing a clip from transformers to see how the sounds changes based on whats happening visually. Once we had […]

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Lesson 47 – Creating an Animation Styles Mood Board and Beginning to Develop Character for Animation

In today’s lesson, we were planning to finish the Eadweard Muybridge, but, I had already completed that at home, as a result, I moved on to creating a mood board of different 2D animation styles to find inspiration for the aesthetic I might want my animation to have. I looked online for many different styles, such as anime, […]

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Audio Terminology

Music – It presents many roles and purposes within modern media to invoke emotion for the audience. Title music – The title music is the main theme for the movie, it might play when something major is happening that progresses the plot or to signify the importance of a moment, this music generally has the biggest presence […]

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