Different Game Worlds

Battlefield 1 –

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The game incorporates the setting of world war one which gives the player a much more realistic perspective on war and provides a variety of styling choices and designs inspired y the early 1900s era.

The gameplay is slow and fast with times where you will have to battle a whole squad on your own and times where you can run across a field for ages to capture a spot. The vehicles are also all taken from WW1 which adds more unique gameplay elements to immerse the user into the war setting.

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Assassin’s Creed 3 –

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Here the game is set in 1700’s USA where you have native Americans and english soldiers conflicting and the main story is following our assassin through this period which for a lot of Americans is an extremely valuable part of history.

The gameplay is similar to that of other assassin’s creed games but it adds unique weapons such as the tomahawk and a whole new environment that is unique to its period as assassin’s creed games always try and use unique historical settings. One of the main gameplay influences is found with the introduction of pirate ships which were still around in the 1700s and the they introduced a brand new combat element to the game with an brand new travel system as well.

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Fallout 4 –

Fallout 4 is set in the year 2287 many years after the nuclear fallout began and although the game takes place in a fantasy setting many years into the future, the game incorporates many historical elements as it is set in an alternate history where many 1940s and 1960s design elements are brought over and the game itself feels like a nostalgia trip through modern history despite all the destruction.

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The Gameplay is rather slow as the game wants to take time to build your character and you need to find your own way to success by looting and progressing through the RPG story elements, but the history of the game is felt in everything you see as you are brought into the 1950s however, due to the apocalyptic theme of the fallout games, everything feels scavenged, like people took what they could to build something new, and integrates well with the gameplay as one of the new features of this game is the . building editor which allows you to use in game assets and materials you collect to build your own fortress and bases.

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War Torn worlds – Halo 5

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Fallen Dystopia World – Metro Exodus

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Perfect Utopia – Bioshock Infinite

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New Born World – Minecraft

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Changing World – Max Max

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Ending World – Call of Duty Zombies

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Newly Discovered World – No Man’s Sky

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Destroyed World – Subnautica

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For My game narrative Idea, I would want to take advantage of a newly born world, something that is similar to ours but is ultimately fresh and has its own history. The overall feel of the world would be similar to Fallout 4, where it’s an open world and you have the ability to build your own character and work your way up in the world.

One Liner – An Open-World Survival (Like Minecraft) With a Fixed Background Customisable Character who seeks to bring balance between the Humans and Orcs in the newborn game world.

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